Five keys to build your video content strategy

Five Keys to Build your Video Content Strategy

Over the past month, I led 26 people in completing a challenge to create more video content for their social media audience. The feedback from this challenge has been overwhelmingly positive, and I want to share some of the biggest takeaways that resonated with the participants the most.

I created the 28-Days of Video challenge to help people become more consistent and confident about creating videos. But here’s the secret sauce to all of this, you cannot be consistent or confident if you don’t have a plan. You need a clear and realistic video content strategy to guide you. And this strategy begins with five important steps.

Below are five keys that will help you build a stronger video content strategy.

ONE - Be intentional

Everything in video is intentional. Even when the "content experts" tell you "oh, just be authentic, be yourself". That's fine and important, but what many forget to recommend is to be intentional. The other thing people in my business don't often bring up, is that in order for us to remain intentional in our content creation, we must step away from it once in a while. Make sure you build breaks into your video content strategy.

TWO - Use a tripod, and good lighting techniques

This might come off as a “duh” piece of advice, but I added this bit here because we’re talking leveling up your video content. If you want to level up, you have to start taking your video creation more seriously, even if it is on a lighter side for socials media. A simple but sturdy tripod helps make sure your shot is steady, but the other thing a tripod makes easier, is using your phone’s back cameras. A big way to get you used to looking in the lens and placing the phone at eye level. When you use the back cameras, you don’t get distracted by your face on the screen. If you completed my 28 Days of Video Challenge, you can always refer back to my quick lighting tips, and remember that lighting is as easy as 1-2-3.

THREE - Make space to create, in your physical surroundings as well as in your mind

It is nearly impossible to create consistent video content if you don’t have the mental space for it. This is why I wrote an entire post about how you can get into the video creation mindset by making space for creativity.

FOUR - Make a plan. You can't get very far without a video content strategy

You can have the best intentions to grow your audience by using videos to connect with them, but the reality (and most “content experts” say, is that you won’t get very far without a strategy and plan to execute. If you completed the 28 Days of Video challenge, you already have a solid starting point, but you need to continue to develop your strategy beyond that. Begin by being intentional about serving your audience with two-three main topics you can showcase or share your expertise in. Start with one video per week, and test out different styles of video content by paying attention to your insights. You can always build a more in-depth strategy from here. It’s not always easy to nail down your video strategy, but believe me, it’s worth your time and investment. Having a social media video strategy is what more than doubled my business and brand exposure in one year. To help busy go-getters like me, I created my Video Content Strategy session, so you can get clear on the content that your target audience wants, and build a strategy that will help you create faster and more efficiently, while increasing recognition for your brand through video.

FIVE - Get inspired, remix, refresh and innovate but never steal or copy

As creators of any type of content, it's important that we understand our responsibility to create in an ethical way. I don't spend a lot of time creating anything new on my reels or TikTok videos, I just look at what is working for others and make these themes my own. I draw inspiration and re-package, change things up, update, make it relatable to my audience, and of course, make sure to put them in my voice. LET ME BE CLEAR - I do not plagiarize or copy other people's content. I do not condone people ripping other's ideas and claiming them as their own. Here's an example to make this concept more relatable for you, think of Romeo and Juliet, this is a story that has been re-imagined over and over again in new stories like: West Side Story, Shakespeare in Love, Warm Bodies... etc.

These five steps will make it easier for you to stay consistent with your social media videos. If you think you’re ready to level up your video strategy and want to invest in a realistic and clear plan you can actually stick with, check out my Video Content Strategy session.


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