134: FREE TO INVEST! How to grow your wealth by using your values. With Danielle Town

How to grow your wealth by using your values. With Danielle Town

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Danielle Town

Danielle Town

This is the third episode in our DIFERENTE conversations on Entrepreneurship.



If you're like me, you're probably investing in your retirement. But like me, many people are paying someone to manage these investments when they could be doing it themselves and saving a lot of money, with the added benefit of choosing directly what companies, and therefore what values, that money supports. Maybe you do this because you think you don't have what it takes to make these decisions on your own... much like my guest feared before she got the confidence to quit her job, take control of her money, and invest on her own terms!

In this episode, I chat with New York Times bestselling author, lawyer, and investor, Danielle Town, about the role of Money in our romantic relationships, the bad financial habits we pick up as kids, and how we have the power to change the way we look at wealth.

Danielle started out her adventure as an investor desperately afraid of numbers and stock markets until she realized she had been abdicating the power of her money and discovered how to transform her fear into financial freedom. She has now guided countless people to overcome their reluctance to invest and put their money where their values are through her newsletter, courses, podcast, and best-selling book. Invested. She also co-hosts a top-rated podcast called InvestED.


"When she was growing up, Danielle Town never liked the words finance, stocks, or portfolio. The daughter of the successful investor and bestselling financial author of Rule #1, Phil Town, she spent most of her adult life avoiding investing—until she found herself stuck in an all-consuming legal career where she felt both her money and her life were out of control. Determined to regain her financial freedom and put her money to work in a socially responsible way, Danielle asked her father to help her take charge of her future by teaching her Warren Buffett–style value investing. What began as a series of conversations between them eventually turned into a year-long investing plan and the hit personal-finance podcast InvestED. Over the course of that year, Danielle went from being an extremely reluctant investor to knowing exactly how and when to invest in wonderful companies, with a little— okay, a lot—of advice and help from her dad."

Check out Danielle's best-selling book.


Producer/Host - Maribel Quezada Smith

Associate producer & Editor - Ricardo Pujol

Diferente theme Music by Keagan Stromberg

Special track in this episode: "Dinero" by JLO.


Episode 137: DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR. (Copy)


133: Creating with Purpose. How to stand out in business & life.