153: WHAT ARE YOU? Exploring biracial identity. With Cheyenne Woods

Exploring biracial identity. With Cheyenne Woods

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Cheyenne Woods

Cheyenne Woods

As people of multicultural and multiracial backgrounds, we’re often hit with the most random and intrusive questions. Constantly being asked to define ourselves in order to be properly catalogued, and boxed in, according to society's expectations.

Why is that? And why do people of multi-racial identity have to divide themselves into percentages, 50% this, 30% that, rather than embracing all their ethnic backgrounds as wholes? I know the math doesn't make sense, but neither does having to explain yourself every day.

In this episode we explore the BIG question and what biracial identity means in today's world with professional gofer, spokesperson and fellow podcaster, Cheyenne Woods.


Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.

JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM or TWITTER: @Maribel_QS. And learn more about me at maribelqs.com


Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith
Editor: Julian Rodriguez
Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra


154: Why getting my name right matters


152: LATINA FURY. The Five Keys To My Meditation Journey